Scheme でも CLOS が使える。tinyclos 。1992 に Xerox の人が書いている。たぶんThe Art of the Metaobject Protocol の作者。
複雑そうなのに 1000 行に満たない。さっそく使ってみる。まずは chicken にインストール。chicken-install tinyclos でインストール完了。簡単。
(use tinyclos) (define-class <line-buffer> () (line-n lbuf w-pos r-pos)) (add-method initialize (make-method (list <line-buffer>) (lambda (call-next-method pos initargs) (let ((line-n (get-keyword 'line-n initargs (lambda () 1920)))) (for-each (lambda (slot-name-v) (let* ((ln-flag (list? slot-name-v)) (slot-name (if ln-flag (car slot-name-v) slot-name-v)) (value (if ln-flag (cadr slot-name-v) (get-keyword slot-name initargs (lambda () 0))))) (slot-set! pos slot-name value))) `((line-n ,line-n) (lbuf ,(make-vector line-n)) w-pos r-pos))))))
ラインバッファみたいなのができた。ごちゃごちゃ書いてるけどこれは初期化処理を書いているだけ。実際の read/write を書いてみる。
;---------------------------------------------------------------- (define-generic show) (define-generic read-lbuf) (define-generic write-lbuf) ;---------------------------------------------------------------- (define-method (read-lbuf (lbuf <line-buffer>)) (let ((w-pos (slot-ref lbuf 'w-pos)) (r-pos (slot-ref lbuf 'r-pos))) (assert (>= w-pos r-pos)) (if (= w-pos r-pos) #f (begin (set! (slot-ref lbuf 'r-pos) (+ r-pos 1)) (vector-ref (slot-ref lbuf 'lbuf) r-pos))))) ;---------------------------------------------------------------- (define-method (write-lbuf (lbuf <line-buffer>) data) (let ((w-pos (slot-ref lbuf 'w-pos)) (r-pos (slot-ref lbuf 'r-pos)) (line-n (slot-ref lbuf 'line-n))) (assert (>= w-pos r-pos)) (set! (vector-ref (slot-ref lbuf 'lbuf) w-pos) data) (let ((new-w-pos (+ w-pos 1))) (set! (slot-ref lbuf 'w-pos) (if (= line-n new-w-pos) 0 new-w-pos))) (assert (not (= (slot-ref lbuf 'w-pos) r-pos))))) ;w-pos))
;---------------------------------------------------------------- (define-method (show (lbuf <line-buffer>) . remain-args) (let ((v (slot-ref lbuf 'lbuf)) (delimitor "") (end-n (if (null? remain-args) 16 (car remain-args))) (line-n (slot-ref lbuf 'line-n))) (letrec ((show-one (lambda (n) (if (>= n end-n) #f (if (>= n line-n) #f (let ((elm (vector-ref v n))) (if (number? elm) (begin (print* delimitor) (print* elm) (set! delimitor " ") (show-one (+ n 1))) #t))))))) (print* "[") (if (not (show-one 0)) (print* " ...")) (print "]"))))
なんとなくできた。print-object に show をくっつけてみる
(define-method (print-object (lbuf <line-buffer>) #!optional (port ##sys#standard-output)) (show lbuf))
(define lbuf (make <line-buffer> 'line-n 100)) (define fn (lambda (n) (if (= n 0 ) #t (begin (write-lbuf lbuf n) (fn (- n 1)))))) (fn 3) (fn 20)
print-object 実行
#;121> (print-object lbuf) [3 2 1 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 ...]
おー C++ での << への対応の複雑さは何だったのだ。しかも 1992 年にこれができている。この 23年間は何だったのだ~~~~って感じ。